
"The Sky is falling"


The HEAVENS are thine, the earth also is thine: as for the world and the fullness thereof, thou hast founded them. (Psalm 89:11)

 An asteroid at least 500 feet long will make a rare close fly by  today, but there is no chance of an impact, scientists reported

Gentle reader,

 Here is a wee bit of trivia that you may not know about me. In my undergraduate days my Major was Political Science. I was planing to study for the bar in Constitutional Law (the U.S. Constitution) But as always God had a better idea.

So if your planing to be around tomorrow, then consider this next bit of trivia. 

 The Democrats are shooting themselves in both feet at the same time.  

First the squab ling that has gone on between Senators Obama and Clinton  rather sounds to me like two school children fighting over... (fill in the blank) do you want some childish person as your principle (and English term for spokesman) 

Add to that the So called Democratic Party (in all their wisdom had decided that in the States change their primary [the Party will not allow the states to have their delegates] vote in the up and coming nominations for the Party's President. Michigan has lost their rights and now so has Florida. 

 Do you think that your vote should count?  If your a Democrat you might think twice about what is happening to your rights. 

  Amendment 10
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to
the people.

Amendment 15
1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or
previous condition of servitude. [Get that Democrat Party, may you don't to win an election any longer reign your kids in for the American people are not as stupid as you may think]

Hey, Lets just remember this great experiment is still Our Government. You are Gentle reader the government

"We The People"

 Just my gentle reminder,

Love,  Denis

ostrich-head in sand


No such thing

...as a free lunch!

cat and fishbowl

Most merciful God,
there are many in this country
who hate themselves,
who consider their lives worthless,
who have not known the healing of love.
Touch them with the wonder and power
of your transforming love
that their lives may be made whole,
that they may find fulfillment in life,
that they may rejoice in your blessing.
Amen and Amen.

Gentle Reader,

As you know much of my background is in the study of History (I am not just a pretty Biblical-know-it-all {although I wish I did}) What I see I tell you because many have not the time nor the inclination to get off "my Space.com" to find out for themselves. Gentle Reader, America in in trouble "yes Sir right here in River City". But As the Prophet Hosea said "My people parish for the lack of Knowledge."

It is in this book that we discover that it is legal to create law that cause you to lose your job and pay fines on those who have the power and the money to buy the votes of those congressmen who we have sent to Washington D.C. to protect us (the working stiff) I suggest that you get the knowledge you need as David Cay Johnston a pulitzer prize winning author exposes such legal stealing by Wal-Mart (they don't pay the sales tax they collect) Or Steve Jobs and Donald Trump and President Gorge W. Bush all of theses and many more are legally stealing us blind.

An exhaustive litany of federal, state and even local giveaways to the very wealthy, described in agonizing and depressing detail. Beginning in the Reagan years, the U.S. government has placed a growing economic burden onto those least able to bear it, declares Johnston (Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich-and Cheat Everybody Else, 2003, etc.). It subsidizes the prosperous through tax breaks and other giveaways while stripping away protections for consumers, retirees, workers and investors. Starting with the sordid story of an exclusive Oregon golf course whose wealthy patrons enjoy recreation indirectly paid for by taxpayers, Johnston details dozens of giveaways, demonstrating beyond doubt that while government policies have made life much easier for those at the very top of the income pyramid, the great majority have it much worse than ever before. Examples range from the infamous-electricity deregulation, the collapse of Enron and the resulting astronomical spikes in the cost of power-to the obscure. In the latter category is Cabela's, a sporting-goods behemoth that convinced the citizens of tiny Hamburg, Pa., to grant it an exemption from property and sales taxes in exchange for locating a new megastore in their community. The total subsidy: some $8,000 for each man, woman and child in the community. With the promise of Jobs -that never came Stories like these are no longer shocking, Because the people in Washington D.C. have not been touched the way you have Gentle Reader! We need to absolutly CLEAN HOUSE!

It is up to you to get upset enough to get involved I know I nam doing what I can how about you?GalacticDrive_Thru

Love, Denis