
Not another Blog!

Please help the hungry

Dear Gentle reader,
It is because I speak out that I receive more than 500 hate emails a day. But You have been taken advantage of and as the Bible says.
My people are destroyed for lack of KNOWLEDGE: because thou hast rejected KNOWLEDGE

So here without all the trappings you can read the "Truth of the truth"
Now then since this is a Thanksgiving season in America lets consider those who have no voice to speak of. What I want you to is search deep within yourself and see if you have feelings unexpressed that perhaps you should stand up for Your country, Your family and your neighbor.

Rush Linbaugh says
There Are No More "Hungry" in America (But the Media Will Still Cover Homeless on Thanksgiving to Make Us Feel Guilty)."

But before you stop reading read on just a wee bit more.
You have been taken to the cleaners by your Government right down to the core.

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