
Ted Nugent says gun control is two bullets through the same place

                         Demand a Plan
 When is enough enough?  Conservative rocker Ted Nugent believes the Newtown, Conn., shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School is the result of pervasive "spiritual bankruptcy" and a "politically correct" mentality in American culture.

Nugent penned a response to the Sandy Hook shooting, which left six school employees and 20 children dead, in an editorial for The Washington Times. In the piece, Nugent shifts blame from lax gun control, poor mental health programs, inadequate security at schools and violence in the media to the moral decay of society.

Via The Washington Times:

The ugly and dangerous truth is that we live in an embarrassing, politically correct culture that exalts and rejoices in the bizarre; aggressively promotes an “anything goes” value system; and vilifies, condemns and mocks traditional societal values and customs at every opportunity.

We’ve embraced a culture of contempt that attacks the very institutions that make for a healthy and strong society, and then we’re shocked when it spirals out of control. The only thing I’m shocked about is that anybody is shocked.

In the wake of the Newtown shooting, the call for stricter gun control laws has steadily increased, particularly against the sale of semi-automatic weapons like the Bushmaster .223 used by gunman Adam Lanza.

Nugent, a gun owner, is disgruntled at the possibility of harsher gun laws.

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