
To Hell with your Children! "Lets watch Basketball" Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

14 Senators will decide to filibuster and to let your children be in danger. Bought and paid for by the NRA!

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said he would join a group of Senate Republicans threatening a filibuster to oppose a cloture vote if Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid moves a gun bill to the floor this week.

Reid has promised to move a gun bill to the Senate floor this week, but it’s unclear which one. It depends on whether Democrats can strike a deal on background checks on gun sales — otherwise, they may settle for a less strict bill that includes some form of background checks, increase penalties for gun trafficking and increase school security. In order to get around the filibuster, Reid has indicated that he would file a cloture motion, which would require a 60-vote margin to move the bill.

“While nobody knows yet what Senator Reid’s plan is for the gun bill, if he chooses to file cloture on the motion to proceed to the Reid Bill (S. 649), Senator McConnell will oppose cloture on proceeding to that bill,” McConnell spokesman John Ashbrook said in a statement.

McConnell joins a group of 13 senators who have already vowed to block any gun legislation.

President Barack Obama, who traveled on Monday to Hartford, Conn. to speak in favor of gun control legislation, will speak critically of the threats of a filibuster from Senate Republicans, according prepared remarks.

“Some back in Washington are already floating the idea that they might use political stunts to prevent votes on any of these reforms,” Obama will say, according to the remarks. “They’re not just saying they’ll vote ‘no’ on ideas that almost all Americans support. They’re saying they won’t allow any votes on them at all. They’re saying your opinion doesn’t matter. And that’s not right.”

The Senate returns to work on Tuesday after a two-week recess.

Reid, who indicated in March he wanted a gun bill to see a vote after the recess, took to the Senate floor on Monday to blast Republicans for threatening to block any gun legislation. McConnell was in Atlanta Monday evening to watch the University of Louisville, his alma mater, play in the final game of the NCAA basketball tournament.

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