
Tea Party Confederate Secessionists unmasked!

been a long time coming, but Tea Baggin' Conferderates Secessionist Slavery Deniers are coming openly out of the closet more and more as time goes on.
There have been numerous examples from South Carolina's (Now) Lt. Governor Glenn McConnell posing with mock-slaves in a Civil War Uniform during the "Southern Experience" event for the National Federation of Republican Women. Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell's Celebration of "Confederate Day", Texas Governor Rick Perry's not-so-veiled threats of secession to the Rand Paul Staffer who called himself the "Confederate Avenger".

[Just as an aside, I have my doubts that McConnell is actually wearing a Southern Uniform, it's Blue and that was the color of the Union Army. Edit: Nope, It's Confederate]

And yet, there's more.

Let's not let revisionism discolor what this was really all about. In it's letter of Secession, which was sent immediately after the Election of President Abraham Lincoln, even before he took Office, Texas stated the following:

We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.
That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights [emphasis in the original]; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding states

It was merely the election of a President from a Party that endorsed Abolition, even if that President at the time DID NOT make accomplishing that party of his platform or an agenda item of his administration - that drove the South in a complete overreaction to losing an Election to begin to dismantle the nation State by State.
And now today we see more and more Tea Partiers - while also overreacting to an election they lost - slowly endorsing the legitimacy of a new secession and further - of ABSOLUTE rights of the BUSINESS OWNER over their EMPLOYEES (as well as CLIENTS) in everything from denying them a living wage and working conditions to Dictating Whether they can have access to Preventive Services in their HealthCare, impose llfetime caps, and openly discriminate against those who had the temerity to previously GET SICK.

Apparently Modern Confederate Tea Partiers think the cruelty of that system is just "Fine".

Wither is Freedom then, eh?

In the last few years there have been a rising of Pro-Confederacy Groups who've written such amazing revisionist history such as this.

Southerners have less reason to be loyal to the collective enterprise that is the United States than does any group of citizens. The South was Invaded, laid waste, and conquered when it tried to uphold the original and correct meaning of the Declaration of Independance and the Constitution.
Yeah, right, the South was "Invaded" - so much for those pesky letters of Secesion and that little Ft Sumter thing. Sure.
And this happened merely because they felt they had the economic Right to continue practices such as this.

Slavery was Evil. It was pure Economic Evil. Human Cruelty for Wealth and Profit. The Confederates were trying to Protect and Continue that system of Cruelty, of The THEFT of Freedom, Free Will and Choice for their own enrichment.

But this is what they are, what they've always been. They know it in their hearts, and this is why they truly FEAR - deeply in their bones - an African American President such as Barack Obama. It is beyond their comprehension that he isn't racked with a deep desire for Vengence against Whites.

How could it not be?

It was this type of deep atavistic fear that even affected Barack Obama's own grandmother, Toot. In his book, Dreams from my Father he recounts how his grandmother while working in Texas following WWII had befriended a black janitor, Mr. Reed, who worked in the same building. They had a cordial friendship, yet another - white - secretary working in the building proceeded to angrily scold them both for their familiarity telling Toot she should never, ever "call no Nigger 'Mister'".
Years later in Hawaii, when Barack was a boy living with his grandparents to attend High School in the U.S. while his mother worked overseas, his grandmother encountered a particularly aggressive beggar who frightened her. A black beggar. Despite knowing the character of Barack's father, and of Barack himself - she was still terrified of him because she knew and had seen in Texas the kind of cruel mis-treatment people like him had received. She had a understanding of the righteous anger that that person could potentially feel, and she feared it.

That beggar was not Mr. Reed. But another 20 years later, it very well could have been - and he would have be duly justified in his outrage. Gramps - Toot's husband - angrily scolded her for her reaction to the beggar, his feeling had always been the individuals are individuals not some collective mass of angst, not some open racial sore that refuses to be healed. For all of this, Barack had a ring-side seat. He witnessed both Yin and Yang.

Unlike Toot who was sympathetic to those who suffered from bigotry, identified with their outrage - and recognized it's legitimacy - what the Modern Tea Party-Confederate feels is something worse.


No, not their own personal guilt, but the collective guilt of centuries of cruelty. They constantly try to wipe it away, ignore it, deflect it, disguise it, but it continues to come right back because they in their own heart of hearts simply don't believe that any Nigger should ever, EVER be called "Mr. President".

It's fear driven by that guilt that also drove the Confederates, as it drives the Tea Party, and now- the Republican Party.

So of course, they have to Do Anything Necessary to prevent this cruel retribution from being inflicted on the Good White people... um, I mean the American People. They have to SHUTDOWN THE GOVERNMENT, because that is the limited leverage they have with a majority in the House.

They have to rail that Obamacare is a Complete and Total Failure even as Hundreds of Thousands successfully send in their applications despite initial website glitches, and are finding they can get better care for far less than they were previously spending.

They have to DENY Reality, again and again and again.

Obama was never a Slave. None of his Ancestors, on his father's side, were Slaves. Most of what he knows about what it means to be historically "Black In America" came from his White Grandparents and their experiences during the 40's and the 50's as recounted to him. He has studied Langston Hughes and Baldwin and W.E.B. Debois to better understand the "Black Experience". He lived it within his own skin, in LA whlie attending Occidental College, in New York while working for a Non-Profit, in Chicago working with communities to help incrimentally improve their lives. He's seen it from just about every possible angle, and he's not racked with Anger

He's not driven to seek Devine Retribution against the Ills of the White Race.

ObamaCare is not Punishment for the Wickedness of Long Dead White People. Some of those White people, going all the way back to the Revolutionary War, are his own Ancestors.

Obama is not a Kenyan. Not a Socialist. Not a Muslim. Not a Mau Mau Anti-Colonialist. Not a Fist Pumping Black Power Enthusiast. He's not Mr. Reed, nor is he the Beggar.

He's our American President. He's doing the best he can, under his power, to improve the lives of All American Citizens. As did President Lincoln before him.

Some day the Tea Party-Confederates will learn that lesson. But apparently, not today.

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