
My President is not a “subhuman mongrel.”!

Image Associated Press
Apparently in 2014 there are Conservative radical Republican Christians who believe it is acceptable and even godly to call The President of the United States of America a “subhuman mongrel.”
Many other Republican-leaning Conservative Christians say nothing whatsoever to condemn this kind of behavior as sinful; they merely continue their own personal diatribe’s against homosexuality and abortion, as per usual, as if these are the only sins worth taking note of or railing against.
Personally speaking, I don’t think Jesus Christ appreciates the Christian who slanders others or creates lies and gossip about anyone, including the President of the United States. You see, the bible tells us that God doesn’t like liars. God doesn’t like false religion, either, that claims to be following Christ, but openly exhibits rotting fruit for everyone to see.
Warning, sarcasm ahead:
The following kinds of Christians can instantly be spotted because they accuse and slander others; they bear false witness, and not just against the President either:
  1. They bear false witness against their neighbor.
  2. They gossip and spread vicious rumors that they cannot prove, that have no basis in fact whatsoever.
  3. Their “ministry” is all about negativity and harming others under the guise of “good Christian love and witness.”
  4. They claim prophetic knowledge of everything through their own allegedly-accurate (not) interpretation of the Holy Bible.
  5. There are no mysteries of God that they cannot answer because they have deemed that they are the mind and the mouth of God. We must pay attention to them because they are always right.
  6. If the Bible doesn’t actually name something sinful, these Christians determine for us what is and isn’t sinful because they’ve been blessed with an all-knowing mind and the ability to read God’s mind. They always knows what God is thinking about everything and everyone.
  7. When they slander, lie, accuse, condemn, call foul names, and judge the President or others, it’s okay because theirs is a “godly righteous” judgment done out of “love” and “concern” for those in their sites.
  8. When they accuse the President of not being a real Christian and insist that he is Satan himself or the antichrist, they are only rebuking and judging righteously — remember, they know bible prophecy.
  9. These Christians are above praying for our leaders and wishing the best for their political office; the instructions from the bible don’t apply to these kinds of Christians — they follow those they feel like following, righteously.
  10. These Christians know the heart of the President and yours and mine. They have that all-knowing eye. Beware their scary judgment and perspectives. They condemn you in Christian brotherly love.
(eye roll)
I submit that all of that is bologna. And the following is not sarcasm.
God told us how we can recognize a real Christian. We can recognize a real Christian by his or her fruits:

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
– Matthew 7:15-20
Apple representing the fruit of the Holy Spirit. - stock photo

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