
Ted Nugent, Rush Limbaugh & Ann Coulter Exploited The Death Of A Child

MSNBC’s Alex Wagner called out the Right on their ‘disgraceful’ abuse of Trayvon Martin’s murder, saying that Nugent, Limbaugh, and Coulter exploited “the death of a child for partisan gainWagner went through the Right’s response, from Coulter tweeting, “Hallelujah” immediately after Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering an unarmed teenager, while Geraldo Rivera on Fox News suggested Trayvon Martin got what he deserved, “If you dress like a thug people are going to treat you like a thug.”

And Rush Limbaugh said the verdict was a win for conservatives, because liberals get everything else. It’s an “interruption in a string of victory after victory”. Alex Wagner said Limbaugh was the first conservative to “put a killer’s acquittal on par with historic progress, including passage of the nation’s first healthcare law and the Supreme Court’s decision on marriage equality.”

Wagner made an excellent point that Limbaugh demonstrated how to use the verdict as a button to press to create more division, “His killing and Zimmerman’s exoneration have now officially joined the conservative arsenal as weapons to be deployed, buttons to be pressed, in service of division.”

Ted Nugent, “working from the very same playbook”, used the Zimmerman verdict to fan the flames of division and indict the President. Nugent accused the President of causing a surge of in “black racism”:

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