
You can't make this stuff up!

Texas confiscating tampons and maxipads

Ummm... yeah. You read that correctly.

Right now, women are flooding the Texas Statehouse to stand with Sen. Wendy Davis as she and her Democratic colleagues fight to protect a woman's right to choose for this afternoon's vote.

Before they get to the gallery, though, security is confiscating tampons and maxipads. You can bring in your gun - just not your tampons. (Filed under: You can't make this up!)

Tell Sen. Wendy Davis you're still standing with her and all women today!

Right now, Twitter is lighting up with photos of women handing over their personal products as they go through security. In fact, #TamponGate is trending as I write/send this email.

Sign the petition to Stand With Wendy! And then tell your friends!

Thanks for all you do!


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